

Keynote and Invited talks

  1. WHO expert meeting, Crowd crush, control, and management, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 29 April 2013
  2. Saudi Exhibition and Symposium for Building Industries and Technology, Real-time crowd analytics during the Hajj, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 25 September 2012
  3. Workshop on Populations & Crowds: Dynamics, Disruptions and their Computational Models, Populations and Crowds: Evolutionary Dynamics of Multiscale Human Mobility, Los Angeles, USA, 7 September 2012
  4. Operation of Jamarat & Makkah Metro for Hajj Season 1433H, Real-time crowd monitoring and counting system at Makkah Metro, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 30 July 2012
  5. Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS) Seminar, Multiscale Human Mobility: From Micro Mechanisms to Macro Behaviour, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 16 May 2012
  6. CABDyN Seminar, Multiscale Human Mobility: From Micro Mechanisms to Macro Behaviour, University of Oxford, UK, 8 May 2012
  7. Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) Research Seminar, Multiscale Human Mobility: Towards Smarter Transport, Imperial College London, UK, 2 May 2012
  8. University of Bristol Bristol Centre for Complexity Sciences (BCCS), Multiscale Human Mobility, Bristol, UK, 24 April 2012
  9. FuturICT - Smart Mobility in The Information Age, Mobility and Crowds, Zurich, Switzerland, 23 April 2012
  10. Social Mechanism Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies, Multiscale Human Mobility, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 March 2012
  11. Workshop on the Operation of AlMashaaer Makkah Metro for Hajj Season 1433H, Crowd Motoring and Counting System, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 6 February 2012
  12. UoM Complex Systems and Statistical Physics Seminars, Multi-Scale Mobility: The Interplay of Supply and Demand of Space and Time, University of Manchester, 16 November 2011
  13. EngD System Research Conference, Multi-Scale Mobility: The Interplay of Supply and Demand of Space and Time, Bristol, UK, 12 October 2011
  14. Workshop for Operation of AlMashaaer Makkah Metro for Hajj Season 1432H, Crowd Monitoring and Counting System, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15 August 2011

  15. International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, Human mobility across scales - applications to energy and health, Zurich, Switzerland, 24 June 2011 [www]

  16. First Workshop for Planning the Operation of Jamarat Building for Hajj 1432H, Pilgrim-Flow Measurements in Jamarat Area during Hajj 1431H, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 19 January 2011 [www]

  17. Complexity Science seminar series, Imperial College London, Tracking and modeling urban mobility, London, UK, 7 December 2010 [www]

  18. The Lancet Conference on Mass Gathering Medicine, Crowd Management and Control: Preventing Crowd Disasters During the Hajj, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 25 October 2010

  19. Research Center on Animal Cognition, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 5 October 2010 [www]

  20. PTV User Group Meeting, Pedestrian Crowd Modeling, London, UK, 22 April 2010

  21. Structural Engineering Expert Meeting, Crowd Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 31 January 2010

  22. Lecture at ABB, From Pedestrian Flows to Panicking Crowds, Baden, Switzerland, 21 January 2010

  23. Lecture at ZHAW, Simulating the Dynamics of Pedestrian Crowds, Winterthur, Switzerland, 8 December 2009

  24. Jamarat Workshop, Tools for Pilgrim Analysis in the Jamarat Area During the Hajj in 1430H, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 9 November 2009

  25. DECOI 2009, International workshop on collective intelligence and evolution, Simulating the Dynamics of Human Crowds, Leiden, the Netherlands, 23 February 2009

  26. First Workshop for Planning the Operation of the Modern Jamarat Building for Hajj 1430H, Results of Pilgrims Flow in Jamarat Area During the Hajj in 1429H, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 18 February 2009

  27. Global Security Challenge, Crowd Vision, London, UK, 13 December 2008

  28. International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Sciences, Tutorial: Simulating the Dynamics of Human Crowds, Zurich, Switzerland, 19 August 2008

  29. Graduiertenkolleg Automatismen, Universität Paderborn, Self-organization and (in-)coordination in human crowds, Paderborn, Germany, 15 July 2008

  30. THALES workshop, Analyzing the Pilgrim Flows during the Hajj, Paris, France, 21 May 2008

  31. PTV AG, The Dynamics of Crowd Disasters, Karlsruhe, Germany, 16 April 2008

  32. Safety First - Dealing with Disasters, TU Delft, The Dynamics of Crowd Disasters, Delft, The Netherlands, 13 March 2008

  33. Jamarat Workshop, Pilgrims-Flow Measurements in Jamarat Area during Hajj 1428H, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 24 February 2008

  34. THALES workshop, Video Tracking of Pedestrians, Paris, France, 7 February 2008

  35. General Workshop for Hajj 1428H: Applications in Jamarat Area & Bridge, Results of Pilgrims Flow in Jamarat Area in Hajj 1427H, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 5 November 2007

  36. Colloquium: Selected Challenges in the Social Sciences: Modeling and Simulation Approaches, Computer Simulation of Pedestrian Interactions and Crowd Dynamics, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 October 2007

  37. Jamarat Workshop, Video-Analysis Software, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 2 July 2007

  38. Jamarat Workshop, Real-Time Analysis of Video Recordings of Dense Crowds, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 26 February 2007

  39. Talk for Prince Miteb with staff, Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Analysis and Evaluation of Video Recordings of Dense Crowds, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 8 January 2007

  40. Jamarat Workshop, Analysis and Evaluation of Video Recordings of Dense Crowds, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 26 November 2006

  41. Workshop on Management and Safety of Human Crowds During Hajj Rituals in Jamarat Area, Analysis and Evaluation of Video Recordings of Dense Crowds, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 6 February 2006

  42. Ministry of Hajj, Simulation of Pedestrian Crowds - Basic Rules, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 7 January 2006

  43. Ministry of Hajj, Large-scale, complex simulations & video analysis, Application of Jamarat Bridge, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, 7 January 2006

  44. German-Saudi Expert Meeting on Simulation, Management, and Safety of Human Crowds, Simulation of Pedestrian Crowds, Dresden, Germany, 27 September 2005

Conference, Workshop and Seminar talks

  1. Networks Seminar, Collective behaviour and self-organisation of human mobilityDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Bath, UK, 14 March 2013
  2. CASA Seminar, An Ode to Mathematical Modelling in a Data Rich World, UCL, London, UK, 20 February 2013
  3. Applied Nonlinear Mathematics Seminar, An Ode to Mathematical Modelling in a Data Rich World, Bristol, UK, 1 March 2013
  4. Department of Biochemistry, Self-organised Human Mobility and Bio-inspired Design Solutions, University of Bristol, UK, 14 September 2012

  5. EpiNets Symposium, Modeling of Disease Spreading in Crowds, Bristol, UK, 17 July 2012

  6. PED (Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics) 2012, Utilizing Crowd Insights to Refine Disease-Spreading Models, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 8 June 2012

  7. Applied Urban Modelling: Assessing Pathways Towards Energy Efficient and Climate-Wise City Regions (AUM2012), Urban Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling: With Applications to Energy, Health, Safety, and Efficiency, University of Cambridge, UK, 25 May 2012

  8. Systems Seminar Series, A Roadmap to Smart Transport, Bristol, UK, 28 March 2012

  9. Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Multiscale Human Mobility, University of Bristol, UK, 14 March 2012

  10. ECCS European Conference on Complex Systems, Complexity-NET session, Complexity in Spatial Dynamics (COSMIC), Vienna, Austria, 15 September 2011

  11. ECTN 2011 Workshop: Evolution of Complex Transportation Networks, Urban Transport - From Micro Navigation Heuristics to Macro Congestion Patterns, University of Strathclyde, UK, 30 August 2011

  12. CASA seminar series, Pedestrian modelling across scales -- From Micro Mechanisms to Macro Behaviour, London, UK, 2 February 2011

  13. CASA seminar series, Urban Transport Modeling - Applications to Safety, Energy Consumption and Epidemics Spreading, London, UK, 20 October 2010

  14. Future Research Directions in Agent Based Modelling, Urban Mobility: A Data-Driven Approach, Leeds, UK, 16 June 2010

  15. Goldrain Workshop, Smart Cameras in Urban Environments, Goldrain, Italy, 11 September 2009

  16. Traffic and Granular Flow 2009, Analysis of High Density Pedestrian Crowd Data and Implications for Crowd Safety, Shanghai, China, 22 June 2009

  17. Goldrain Workshop, Pedestrian Simulation: Beyond Particles, Goldrain, Italy, 20 June 2008

  18. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008, Analysis of Empirical Trajectory Data of Pedestrians, Wuppertal, Germany, 27 February 2008

  19. Fourth Conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA, Quantitative Agent-Based Modeling of Human Interactions in Space and Time, Toulouse, France, 14 September 2007

  20. Goldrain Workshop, Extraction of Microscopic Properties from Trajectory Data, Goldrain, Italy, 20 September 2006



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