Dr Anders Johansson Email: a.johansson AT bristol.ac.uk -- Twitter: @afjohansson |
I research and develop mathematical models and real-time sensing and analytics tools to study the interaction of crowds, infrastructure and technology. If you want to learn more about the work that I and my colleagues do, then have a look at [Research] and [Publications]. If you want to learn more about how my work is applied to solve pressing real-world problems, then click here [Crowd Vision] and [PTV Viswalk]; and if you want more of a popular-science account of my work, then have a look at [Press].
New paper
Masucci A. P., Serras, J., Johansson, A., Batty, M. (2013) Gravity vs radiation model: on the importance of scale and heterogeneity in commuting flows, Physical Review E 88(2), 022812