Google Scholar profile: [www]
- Johansson, A. (2009) Data-Driven Modeling of Pedestrian Crowds (VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller) [www] [e-print]

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
- Ellinas, C., Allan, N., Johansson, A. (2016) Project systemic risk: Application examples of a network model, International Journal of Production Economics 182, 50-62
- Ellinas, C., Allan, N., Johansson, A. (2016) Exploring Structural Patterns Across Evolved and Designed Systems: A Network Perspective, Systems Engineering 19(3), 179-192
- Kunwar, B., Simini, F., and Johansson, A. (2016) Evacuation time estimate for total pedestrian evacuation using a queuing network model and volunteered geographic information, Physical Review E 93(3), 032311
- Ellinas, C., Allan, N., Durugbo, C., and Johansson A. (2015) How Robust Is Your Project? From Local Failures to Global Catastrophes: A Complex Networks Approach to Project Systemic Risk, PloS One 10(11), e0142469
- Pollock Fraser, H. A., Christopher, P., Kennedy, C. Webster, T., Vardanega, P. J., and Johansson, A. (2015) A new tram network for Bristol: a possible scenario?, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer 169(1), 19.30
- Arcaute, E., Hatna, E., Ferguson, P., Youn, H.,Johansson, A. and Batty, M. (2014) Constructing cities, deconstructing scaling laws, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (102), 20140745 [www]
- Goscé, L., Barton, D. A. W., and Anders Johansson (2014) Analytical modelling of the spread of disease in confined and crowded spaces, Scientific Reports 4, 4856 [www]
- Helbing, D., Brockmann, D., Chadefaux, T., Donnay, K., Blanke, U., Woolley-Meza, O., Moussaid, M., Johansson, A., Krause, J., Schutte, S., Perc, M. (2014) Saving Human Lives: What Complexity Science and Information Systems can Contribute, Journal of Statistical Physics [www]
- Batty, M., Vargas, C., Smith, D., Serras, J., Reades, J., and Johansson, A. (2013) SIMULACRA: fast land-use–transportation models for the rapid assessment of urban futures, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 40(6) 987 – 1002 [www]
- Masucci A. P., Serras, J., Johansson, A., and Batty, M. (2013) Gravity versus radiation models: on the importance of scale and heterogeneity in commuting flows, Physical Review E 88(2), 022812 [www] [e-print]
- Johansson, A., Batty, M., Hayashi, K., Albar, O., Memish, Z., and Marcozzi, D. (2012) Crowd and environmental management during mass gatherings, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 12(2), 150-156 [www]
- Steffen, R., Bouchama, A., Johansson, A., Dvorak, J., Isla, N., Smallwood, C., and Memish, Z. A. (2012) Non-communicable health risks during mass gatherings, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 12(2), 142-149 [www]
- Khan, K., McNabb, S., Memish, Z., Eckhardt, R., Hu, W., Kossowsky, D., Sears, J., Arino, J., Johansson, A., Barbeschi, M., McCloskey, B., Henry, B., Cetron, M., and Brownstein, J. S. (2012) Infectious disease surveillance and modelling across geographic frontiers and scientific specialties, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 12(3), 222-230 [www]
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2010) Cooperation, Norms, and Revolutions: A Unified Game-Theoretical Approach. PLoS ONE 5(10): e12530 [www] [pdf]
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2010) Evolutionary dynamics of populations with conflicting interactions: Classification and analytical treatment considering asymmetry and power, Physical Review E 81, 016112 [www] [e-print] (Selected by the editor for inclusion in the 26 January 2010 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research [Evolution Physics])
- Johansson, A. (2009) Constant-net-time headway as a key mechanism behind pedestrian flow dynamics, Physical Review E 80, 026120 [www] [e-print] (Selected by the editor for inclusion in the 20 August 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research [Statistical and Nonlinear Physics])
- Dyer, J. R. G., Johansson, A., Helbing, D., Couzin, I. D., and Krause, J. (2009) Leadership, consensus decision making and collective behaviour in human crowds, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364, 781-789 [www] (Top 10 cited articles from 2009)
- Moussaid, M., Helbing, D., Garnier, S., Johansson, A., Combe, M., and Theraulaz, G. (2009) Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276, 2755-2762 [www] [e-print]
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2009) On the controversy around Daganzo's requiem for and Aw-Rascle's resurrection of second-order traffic flow models, European Physical Journal B 70(2), 257-274 [www] [e-print]
- Helbing, D., Deutsch, A., Diez, S., Peters, K., Kalaidzidis, Y., Padberg, K., Lämmer, S., Johansson, A., Breier, G., Schulze, F., and Zerial, M. (2009) BioLogistics and the struggle for efficiency: Concepts and perspectives, Advances in Complex Systems 12(6), 533-548 [www]
- Johansson, A., Helbing, D., Al-Abideen, H. Z., and Al-Bosta, S. (2008) From crowd dynamics to crowd safety: A video-based analysis, Advances in Complex Systems 11 (4), 497-527 [www] [e-print]
- Nilsson, D. and Johansson, A. (2008) Social influence during the initial phase of a fire evacuation: Analysis of evacuation experiments in a cinema theatre, Fire Safety Journal 44 (1), 71-79 [www] (Top 25 Hottest Articles)
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., and Al-Abideen, H. Z. (2007) Dynamics of crowd disasters: An empirical study, Physical Review E 75, 046109 [www] [e-print]
- Johansson, A., Helbing D. and Shukla, P. K. (2007) Specification of the social force pedestrian model by evolutionary adjustment to video tracking data, Advances in Complex Systems 10, 271-288 [www] [e-print]
- Yu, W. and Johansson, A. (2007) Modeling crowd turbulence by many-particle simulations, Physical Review E 76, 046105 [www] [e-print]
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., Mathiesen, J., Jensen, M. H., and Hansen, A. (2006) Analytical approach to continuous and intermittent bottleneck flows, Physical Review Letters 97, 168001 [www] [e-print]
- Peters, K., Johansson, A., Dussutour, A., and Helbing, D. (2006) Analytical and numerical investigation of ant behaviour under crowded conditions, Advances in Complex Systems 9, 337-352 [e-print]
- Helbing, D., Buzna, L., Johansson, A., and Werner, T. (2005) Self-organized pedestrian crowd dynamics: Experiments, simulations, and design solutions, Transportation Science 39(1), 1-24 [www]
- Peters, K., Johansson, A., and Helbing, D. (2005) Swarm intelligence beyond stigmergy: Traffic optimization in ants, Kuenstliche Intelligenz 4, 11-16
Book Chapters
- Johansson, A. and Kretz, T, (2011) Applied pedestrian modeling, In: Heppenstall, A.; Crooks, A.; See, L.; Batty, M. (eds.) Spatial Agent-based Models: Principles, Concepts and Applications (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) in press
- Johansson, A. (2010) Self-organization and (in-)coordination in human crowds, in: Automatisms (Fink Verlag, Paderborn/Munich)
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2009) Pedestrian, crowd and evacuation dynamics, in: Meyers, Robert A (ed.) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (Springer, Heidelberg)
- Helbing, D., Kühnert, C., Lämmer, S., Johansson, A., Gehlsen, B., Ammoser, H., and West G. B. (2009) Power laws in urban supply networks, social systems, and dense pedestrian crowds, Pages: 433-450 in: D. Lane, S. van der Leeuw, D. Pumain, G. West (eds.) Complexity perspectives in innovation and social change (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York)
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., and Lämmer, S. (2008) Self-organization and optimization of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in urban environments, in: S. Albeverio, et. al. (eds.) The Dynamics of Complex Urban Systems (Physica-Verlag).
- Johansson, A. and Helbing, D. (2006) Crowd dynamics, Pages 449-471 in: B. K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, and A. Chatterjee (eds.) Econophysics and Sociophysics - Trends and Perspectives (Wiley, Weinheim)
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., and Buzna, L. (2006) New design solutions for pedestrian facilities based on recent empirical results and computer simulations, Pages 67-88 in: M. Aron, F. Boillot and J.-P. Lebacque (eds.) Modelisation Du Traffic - Actes du groupe de travail 2003, Actes No. 104
Conference Proceedings Papers
- Simpson, R., Revell, J., Johansson, A., Richards, A. (2014) Multi-cost robotic motion planning under uncertainty, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), 240-245
- Kunwar, B., Simini, F., Johansson, A. (2014) Large Scale Pedestrian Evacuation Modeling Framework Using Volunteered Geographical Information, Transportation Research Procedia 2, 813-818
- Goscè, L, Johansson, A. (2014) Analytical Modelling of the Spread of a Disease: From Corridors to Transport Networks, Transportation Research Procedia 2, 513-517
- Greenwood, D., Sharma, S., Johansson, A. (2014) Gap Analysis of Current Industrial Challenges and the State-of-the-Art in Pedestrian Modelling, Transportation Research Procedia 2, 219-227
- Ellinas, C., Allan, N. and Johansson, A. (2014) Structural Patterns in Complex Systems: A network perspective, Proceedings of CESUN2014, in print
- Greenwood, D., Sharma, S. and Johansson, A. (2013) Mobility Modelling in a Process Constrained Environment. Traffic and Granular Flow 2013, in print.
- Park, B., Johansson, A., and Nicholson, D. (2013) Crowdsourcing soft data for improved urban situation assessment, 16th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 669-675 [www]
- Johansson, A. and Helbing, D. (2010) Analysis of empirical trajectory data of pedestrians, Pages 203-214 in: Klingsch, W. W. F. et al. (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008 (Springer, Berlin)
- Johansson, A. (2010) Analysis of high density pedestrian crowd data and implications for crowd safety, Traffic and Granular Flow 2009 (Shanghai), in print
- Johansson, A. and Helbing, D. (2007) Pedestrian flow optimization with a genetic algorithm based on Boolean grids, Pages 237-272 in: N. Waldau, P. Gattermann, H. Knoacher and M. Schreckenberg (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005 (Springer, Berlin)
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., and Al-Abideen, H. Z. (2007) Crowd turbulence: the physics of crowd disasters, Pages 967-969 in: The 5th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V) (Shanghai)
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2007) Quantitative agent-based modeling of human interactions in space and time, Pages 623-637 in F. Amblard (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA'07) (Toulouse)
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., Al-Abideen, H. Z. and Al-Bosta, S. (2007) Evaluations of video data of crowds around the Jamarat Bridge and safety implications for mass events, European Conference on Complex Systems (Dresden), on CD-ROM
- Helbing, D., Johansson, A., and Buzna, L. (2005) Pedestrian dynamics and evacuation: Empirical results and design solutions, in: H. S. Mahmassani (ed.) Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam)
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2005) Sicherheit in Fussgangermengen bei Massenveranstaltungen, Pages 87-130 in: C.-S. Grommek (ed.) Rothenburger Beiträge, Polizeiwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe der Fachhochschule für Polizei Sachsen, Band 23. (Rothenburg/Oberlausitz) [in German]
- Helbing, D. and Johansson, A. (2005) Grundsätzliche Hinweise zur Theorie und Konzeption von Evakuierung und Räumung: Sicherheit in Fussgängermengen bei Massenveranstaltungen, Pages 1-42 in: VdS-Fachtagung. Evakuierung und Raumung von Veranstaltungen (VdS, Cologne) [in German]
- Batty, M., Vargas, C., Smith, D., Serras, J., Reades, J. and Johansson, A. (2011) Visually-intelligible land use transportation models
for the rapid assessment of urban futures, CASA working paper 163 [e-print]
- Johansson, A. (2009) Analysis of high density pedestrian crowd data and implications for crowd safety, Specialized Architectural Engineering Magazine issued by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in print
- Johansson, A., Chan, S., Hamdar, S., Al-Bosta, S., Haase, K., and Helbing, D. (2008) Towards automatic analysis and forecasting of pilgrim flow by video analysis and simulation, Specialized Architectural Engineering Magazine issued by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in print
- Al-Abideen, H., Z., Al-Bosta, S., Johansson, A., and Helbing, D. (2006) Scientific evaluation of videos showing hajjis flow into Jamarat area, Specialized Architectural Engineering Magazine issued by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 10, December 2006
- Johansson, A. (2004) Pedestrian simulations with the social force model, Master's thesis, Dresden University of Technology, Germany